LACE Demo Samples

This page hosts demo samples for the Linear-Adaptive Coding Enhancer (LACE) at bitrates 6, 9 and 12 kb/s. The samples were taken from the CMU ARCTIC dataset (see this for description and license) and from the VCTK dataset (provided under creative commons license). Headphones are recommended for listening.

6 kb/s

Original Opus (baseline) LACE (ours) TDCNN (benchmark) LPCNet Resynthesis

9 kb/s

Original Opus (baseline) LACE (ours)

12 kb/s

Original Opus (baseline) LACE (ours)

Frequency Response Visualization

Since LACE is completely linear in the signal path, the system can be described by local frequency responses. The video below shows these frequency responses for the third item from the tables above at 6 kb/s. To make the visualization more stable, a four-frame moving average is applied and playback speed is reduced by a factor 4. The audio is purely for orientation and consists of the original item slowed down accordingly.